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• Saving money


401(k) Plan


401(k) Plan


Take steps to ensure your current and future financial security is an important part of your overall well-being. The 401(k) Plan helps you prepare for retirement by offering an easy, tax-advantaged way to save for your future financial needs.

East West Bank will match 75% of your contributions up to the first 6% of your eligible compensation* per payroll. *Eligible Compensation includes salary, bonus, commissions and/or incentives.

You’ll pay less in income taxes when you make pretax contributions.

With pretax contributions, your money has the potential to grow faster.

Choose how you want to invest your money.

The 401(k) Plan makes it easy to save for your future.



You may contribute up to 80% of your eligible compensation*, up to the annual IRS limits.

*Eligible Compensation includes salary, bonus, commissions and/or incentives.
*These IRS limits include your pretax contributions, Roth after-tax contributions, or a combination of both.
*Beginning January 1, 2025, if you’re age 60 to 63, you can save an extra $11,250 instead of $7,500 in catch-up contributions. Note that the standard limit resumes the year you turn 64.

New 401(k) Feature


The 401(k) Plan gives you the flexibility to save for retirement in a variety of ways. You can make pretax contributions, Roth after-tax contributions, or a combination of the two.

At least five years have elapsed since your first Roth contribution.

You are at least 59½ or the withdrawal follows death or total disability.

Save more? Consider After-Tax contributions after you’ve maxed out your Pretax and Roth After-Tax contributions.
The money goes into your account after taxes are withheld and not eligible for the Bank match. When withdrawn, only the earnings on After-Tax contributions are taxable.

Catch up!

It’s not too late to make up for lost time. If you’ll be 50 or older this year, take advantage of the opportunity to contribute up to an additional $7,500 in catch-up contributions.


To help you reach your retirement planning goals, East West Bank will also contribute to your 401(k) account!

Bank Matching Contributions

East West Bank matches 75% of your 401(k) contribution, up to the first 6% of your eligible compensation, to support your retirement saving efforts. Eligible compensation includes your salary, bonus, commissions, and/or incentives.

Here’s How The Bank Match Works:

For every $1.00 you contribute

The Bank contributes $0.75

And $1.75 goes into your account! (match up to the first 6% of your eligible compensation)

Meet the match

Try to contribute at least 6% to take full advantage of the match — otherwise, you’re leaving free money on the table. Log in to your Empower account to increase your contribution rate.


Vesting is another way of saying “how much of the money is yours to keep if you leave the Bank.”
You are always 100% vested in your own contributions, including any investment gains and losses on the money. You become vested in Bank contributions over time, based on the following schedule:

Your years of service Your vested percentage
Less than 1 0%
1 but less than 2 20%
2 but less than 3 40%
3 but less than 4 60%
4 but less than 5 80%
5 or more 100%



Think Before You Act


Manage Your Account Online

Empower puts the power of retirement planning at your fingertips. Log in to Empower to get started.

Other site features include:

• Project your retirement income: Use the financial tool to help you determine if you’re saving enough to meet your retirement goals.
• View in-depth account details: Review your current account balance, vested amount, account performance, and more.
• Change your 401(k) contribution amount or investment options or move money between funds.

To get started, go to Empower’s website.